PRF Hair Stimulation

PRF Hair Stimulation

At PIEL by Valls, we’re proud to introduce Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) as a cutting-edge solution for transformative hair restoration. PRF harnesses the power of your body’s own natural resources to stimulate hair growth and rejuvenate your scalp. Through a minimally invasive procedure, PRF utilizes the healing potential of platelets and growth factors found in your blood to foster tissue repair and regeneration, offering a non-surgical approach to achieving luscious locks and renewed confidence.
Our PRF hair restoration procedure involves a simple and holistic process. A small sample of your blood is drawn, from which platelets and growth factors are extracted using a specialized centrifugation technique. These components, rich in healing properties, are then carefully injected into targeted areas of the scalp. By activating hair follicles, enhancing blood circulation, and encouraging the emergence of new hair strands, PRF presents a natural and effective way to address hair loss concerns. Embrace the science of self-renewal at PIEL by Valls with our PRF hair restoration, and unlock a revitalized relationship with your hair that radiates confidence and vitality.